Mon nom est Billy des nuages by Éva Offredo

Published March 13, 2025
Contributed by Sharp Type

Source: Maison Georges.

Mon nom est Billy des nuages by Éva Offredo is a beautifully illustrated children's book about Billy, a young boy expected to become a cowboy. However, he dreams of exploring the world and embarks on a journey through diverse landscapes like the taiga, fjords, and mangroves. The book is divided into three parts: an adventure story, a travel journal with sketches and observations, and a documentary-style section about nature. A complementary soundtrack by Artuan de Lierrée enhances the reading experience. The book is a poetic and educational ode to exploration and wonder.

Published by Maison Georges, the book uses Tarnac, a typeface designed by Marc Rouault. He describes his design as a particularly French style of slanted Égyptienne. Its wonky proportions and flat-interior bowl shapes are an intractable aesthetic element of French culture and even the French countryside itself – as featured in many of the Panneaux Michelin road signs. The typography also features the monospaced Pachinko Italic by French designer Émilie Rigaud.

Source: Maison Georges.

Maison Georges.

Maison Georges.

Maison Georges.

Maison Georges.

Photo: Sharp Type. Maison Georges.

Photo: Sharp Type. Maison Georges.

Source: Maison Georges.

Source: Maison Georges.

Photo: Sharp Type. Maison Georges.

Photo: Sharp Type. Maison Georges.

This post was originally published at Fonts In Use


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