Libre Film Series

Published May 27, 2024
Contributed by Production Type

Source: Julia Miceli Pitta. License: All Rights Reserved.

The first edition of the Libre Film Series took place in 2022 in the small coastal village of Santa Mónica, located in the Maldonado district of Uruguay. The five-days festival was mounted by the collective space Lablat who chose five Latin American films to project and discuss over the Laguna José Ignacio in the last days of December of that year. In the center of the curators’ interest was how, in their medium, filmmakers present creators from other fields of art, such as fine arts and landscape architecture.

The graphic design advertising the event is the work of Julia Miceli Pitta, an Argentinian designer working in Buenos Aires and London. The key visual is the lettering piece “LiBRE” that combines the idea of light coming from a projector with splashy shapes reminiscent of the nearby lagoon.

The big-size headline typeface is Big Daily, a roman with marked stroke contrast. The “Short” branch of this typeface series is distinguished by especially short ascenders and descenders, a feature brought to full splendor in the tight line spacing on the film posters. Miceli Pitta commented that she wanted a subtle and elegant typeface that would connect to the past while sitting comfortably in a modern identity. Big Daily was designed by Alaric Garnier and brought out by Production Type from Paris in 2020. The second typeface, used for the smaller reading text, is Archivo, a sans-serif of rather narrow width, designed by Héctor Gatti from Omnibus Type, Buenos Aires.

Source: Julia Miceli Pitta. License: All Rights Reserved.

Source: Julia Miceli Pitta. License: All Rights Reserved.

Source: Julia Miceli Pitta. License: All Rights Reserved.

Source: Julia Miceli Pitta. License: All Rights Reserved.

Source: Julia Miceli Pitta. License: All Rights Reserved.

Source: Julia Miceli Pitta. License: All Rights Reserved.

Source: Julia Miceli Pitta. License: All Rights Reserved.

Source: Julia Miceli Pitta. License: All Rights Reserved.

This post was originally published at Fonts In Use


An independent archive of typography.