6809 Mnemonic Assembler manual

Published May 26, 2024
Contributed by D Jones

Source: archive.org License: All Rights Reserved.

Pump Light for “technical systems consultants, inc.” (which looks like it may also have been a starting point for the multiline logo), and the stylistically similar Blippo Bold (which appears to be a close copy of Burko Bold) for the title “6809 Mnemonic Assembler”. Note that 6 and 9 have angle-cut strokes.

The Motorola 6809 was a largely 8-bit microprocessor (it had some 16-bit arithmetic instructions). It launched in 1978. Not nearly as popular as its competitors, but it did get used in a few designs, perhaps most notably the TRS-80 Color Computer.

The TSC 6809 Assembler ran from disk or tape on the FLEX operating system, also produced by TSC.

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